About Us

Mission Statement

Compassion In Action exists to be a refuge from the storms of life for hurting and needy people around the world. Our goal is to minister to the entire person, physically, spiritually and emotionally.


Tom Shilts – Director

Tom is an RN , licensed pastor, and retired contractor and business owner. His hobbies include time with his family, camping, traveling, boating, biking, hunting, scuba diving, making maple syrup, turning wooden bowls and reading. Tom has his master’s degree in theology with CLST.

Cathie Shilts – Director

Cathie is a retired elder care administrator, business owner, and licensed pastor. Her hobbies are time with family, decorating, photography, traveling, snorkeling, boating, four-wheeling, camping and chasing the Northern Lights. Cathie has an Associate Degree in theology and is only a few classes away from her bachelor’s degree in theology through CLST.

Tom and Cathie were high school sweethearts and tied the knot in December of 1972. With their passion for family, zest for life and ministry so parallel, they simply love doing life together.

A passion to help those in need began in 1986 on a mission trip to Paraguay. Leading annual mission trips to Mexico began for the them in 1992, where they served for 25 years. Over the years the ministry has expanded to annual mission trips to Roatan, Honduras in 2015, prison ministry, disaster relief, extreme home makeover, Father’s Embrace Conferences, women’s conferences, a food pantry, a foster closet and many other local outreaches.

Tom and Cathie have 4 grown, married children and have been given the beautiful gift of 10 precious grandchildren. They consider them all the joy and love of their our lives.

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Send checks to: Compassion In Action, 111785 Turtle Ridge Rd,

Marshfield, WI 54449